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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

2023 -2024


Year 5 trip to Dove Cottage 


Year 5 had a lovely day at Dove Cottage learning all about William and Dorothy Wordsworth. It is such a lovely place! 

Year 5 Sports day Photos 

Year 5 had THE best day at Cockermouth School! We took part in an outstanding Harry Potter themed Science day. Have a look at our pictures to see what we got up to...

Year 5 had the pleasure of Clare Lane from Starchaser joining us in school to talk all things space! We had a great morning learning about our solar system, the different planets and how technology has advanced to help us learn more about our planets. 



Stargazing episodes

Year 5 have been working in groups to create their very own ‘stargazing episode’. These episodes are very informative and share lots of information that the children have learnt throughout our ‘Earth and Space’ science topic. 

🇬🇧 Stargazing live 🇬🇧 warning 😂

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My Movie

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My Movie

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My Movie

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DT - Meet the Doodlers

Year 5 have been busy making their very own doodler. The children worked in groups to design and create a doodler. They discussed the function and the key components needed to make this work. Including creating a circuit to power their motor. We’ve had lots of fun!

Doodler in action!

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We have been loving our gymnastics unit lead by Mrs Rudman. The children have used a range of apparatus, have learnt about counter balance and counter tension and how to incorporate these balances into a routine linking with their partner or group. We have learnt about the importance of being silent when we perform and ensuring our fingers and toes are pointed to look professional. The children have also evaluated each others performances, providing positive and constructive criticism. 

The Great Barrier Reef

We have been exploring the importance of oceans in our Geography topic this term. The children have been learning about The Great Barrier Reef and the effects that humans are having on our coral. This has caused some outrage within the class and has inspired the children to create posters to share with the rest of the school. 

Investigating the effects of air resistance!

Today, we have been investigating the effects of air resistance. The children created 3 different types of parachutes using different materials to test this. We discussed which variables we would change and which we would keep the same to ensure a fair test. We have had a very fun afternoon!

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Local artist day 2023

The local artist we decided to study was Ruby Keller. The children researched his work and spent the day recreating one of his famous pieces. The children have done an amazing job! 

Lockerbie Manor Residential 2023

Year 5 have had the best time on their residential! The children engaged in 9 different activities that involved team work, bravery and challenging themselves! Although the weather was wet we didn't let it dampen our spirits! I am very proud of each and every one of them for pushing themselves out of their comfort zones and setting a great example for our school. 

DT - pop up books 

Year 5 have spent weeks creating their pop up books for the Year 1 children. Each pop up book had a lever and slider mechanism and a page with a pop up feature. The children planned their books and took their time to ensure detail was included and that they were suitable for their target audience. 
Today, we shared their completed books with the Year 1 class and received some very positive feedback! 


Year 5 were lucky enough to have Mr Woodcock, a PE teacher from Cockermouth School, visit this morning to teach the children netball. Year 5 enjoyed learning the different skills needed and applying these to a game of netball. 

React Science Show!

Today, Year 5 attended a science show at Lakes College. The focus of this show was on endangered 'ugly animals' and how they are ignored because they aren't cute! The children were taught about so many different 'ugly animals' and what made them amazing. We had a lot of fun. 

Properties of materials

Today, Year 5 have been testing the properties of materials. We decided to test flexibility, hardness, magnetism, transparency and permeability. We had a discussion as a class on how to test these, ensuring that each test was a fair test. 

Welcome to Year 5



Year 5 is an exciting and challenging year for the children as they are expected to take a more mature and independent approach towards learning. These skills are developed throughout the year during a variety of tasks and lessons and provide the key foundations that prepare the children for the challenges of year 6. In the Autumn term all children are invited to go on a residential trip to Lockerbie Manor.  This represents a fantastic opportunity for our children to take part in adventurous activity and develop their resilience and further skills that they may not have even discovered yet.


Sellafield Workshop and Cricket

Outdoor Learning - Friction

Outdoor Learning - Science (forces)



The Year 5 children have wowed us with their gymnastics skills! To conclude our block of learning, they have been transferring their counter-balance and counter-tension skills onto the apparatus.

Year 5 Residential - Lockerbie Manor

Welcome to Year 5

The children have made a super start to Year 5. Thank you to Holly, Millie and Rose who lead our first class worship on friendship. The girls reminded us of the important ‘ingredients’ needed for a solid friendship. 

Graffiti Classics - Playground Proms (June 2022)

We really enjoyed a visit from Graffiti Classics, a string quartet. They changed our perceptions on classical music, making us realise that it can be cool!

The Water Diviner's Tale - Opera North (June 2022)

On Tuesday 21st June, we went to the Carnegie Theatre in Workington to perform 'The Water Diviner's Tale' alongside the cast and orchestra from Opera North. We had practised for many months and our performance was fantastic.

Pebble Jar Treat (June 2022)

We have worked hard to fill our pebble jar during the Spring Term, following the class rules and expectations. We managed to fill our jar, so we had ice creams and a long break time as a treat!

Experience Pentecost (June 2022)

Year 5 visited Dove Cottage, Grasmere as part of their local history study of William Wordsworth. We looked around Wordsworth's former home, gardens and woodlands and also explored primary and secondary sources in the museum. In the afternoon, we walked along the old Coffin Trail, using our surroundings to create some of our own poems - just like Wordsworth did. 

D&T - Spaghetti Bolognese (May 2022)

As part of our D&T topic, we made a very yummy bolognese sauce. We created our own Year 5 recipe looking carefully at the nutritional amounts, learnt about where the mince and spaghetti comes from, as well as designing our own labels for our jars.

PE - Commonwealth Games Escape Rooms (May 2022)

Science - Life Cycles (May 2022)

Mr Emmott came into school to show us two lambs from his farm. They were Swaledale lambs and we were amazed to see how much the difference in size - one was 3 weeks old and the smaller one was 1 week old. We asked lots of questions that helped us understand the lifecycle of a sheep, which we know is a mammal. Miss Swinbank and Mr Emmott's dog, Alvin, also came along to meet everyone!

PE - Cricket Coaching with Cricket Chris (May 2022)

Cockermouth School Visit - Harry Potter Science Afternoon (May 2022)

English/History - William Wordsworth Workshop by Dove Cottage, Grasmere (May 2022)

Class Worship - Wisdom (April 2022)

English/Art - Planning our nature poems inspired by William Wordsworth (April 2022)

Experience Easter (April 2022)

PE - Gymnastics Counter Balance and Counter Tension

Science - Friction Investigation (March 2022)

Science - Observing our new residents over time (March 2022)

Science - Investigating Water Resistance (March 2022)

British Science Week - NFU Lifecycle Live Lesson (March 2022)

Science - Exploring Air Resistance (March 2022)

Year 5 Aspiration Morning - Dream Big (March 2022)

Science - Exploring weight and mass (March 2022)

World Book Day 2022

Opera Workshop (February 2022)

DT - Making Pop Up Books (February 2022)

Science - Visit from Cockermouth Astronomical Society (February 2022)

PE Communication and Tactics (February 2022)

History - Mayan Food Tasting (January 2022)

Spellbinding - Finding our books! (January 2022)

Science - Fruit Model Solar System (January 2022)

Science - Fruit Model Solar System (January 2022)

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English - One Plastic Bag (January 2022)

Christmas - Santa visits Paddle (December 2021)

Maths - Finding the perimeter of shapes (December 2021)

Poetry Performance - The Sound Collector (December 2021)

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Computing - How do search engines work? (December 2021)

Science - Separating Mixtures (December 2021)

DT - Building Bridges (December 2021)

PE - Football (November 2021)

Healthy Ways - Lesson 1 (November 2021)

Science Investigating Soluble and Insoluble Materials

DT Bridge Designing Lesson (November 2021)

Cube Number Problem Solving (November 2021)

Year 5&6 Production - Olivia! (November 2021)

Jaqueline Wilson Virtual Author Visit (November 2021)

Finding factors using arrays (November 2021)

Times Table Practising (November 2021)

Investigating magnetic properties (October 2021)

National Poetry Day (October 2021)

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Designs for our weaving - Art (October 2021)

Investigating thermal insulation (October 2021)

Netball Session with Mrs Williamson from Cockermouth School - September 2021

Bridge Investigation - Design Technology (September 2021)

Outdoor Learning - Setting Descriptions in English (September 2021)

The Ice Bear - Freeze Frames (September 2021)

Science - Properties of Materials (September 2021)

Year 5



Useful Websites:

Microbit Websites

Tinkering with the BBC Micro:bit

We enjoyed our visit from Life Base where we learnt more about how to stay physically and mentally healthy

We are so proud of our woven landscapes...

Loo Roll Solar System - Although on many diagrams The planets looked evenly spaced, we learnt that this is not the case!

Netball with Mrs Rudman

Biomes Websites A clear and
informative website for investigating biomes. The biomes of the world
with a world map and information. Information on the major
biomes of the world. Information on the
major biomes of the world. Information, biome by biome.

Computing - Inputs and Outputs

Problem Solving in Maths

Click the links below to play the Binary games we enjoyed in our computing lesson:


How do we know the Earth is spherical?

Using our text map to retell the story of The Ice Bear by Jackie Morris

Adapting brilliantly to ‘the new normal’

Year 5 



Home learning - this term the Year 5 children are studying sculpture, they have been working so hard creating artwork in the style of Andy Goldsworthy.

The Year 5 fitness videos have now been uploaded onto the Class Videos section of the website. Why not take a look? They're brilliant!

Year 5 Worship Songs

Our Year 5 Anthem - The Creed

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My Lighthouse

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500 Words Competition. Will there be a winner amongst the Y5 children?

Aspiration Day

Safer Internet Day 2020

It’s Tuesday morning and the Y5 children are busy writing narratives using the text ‘The Ice Bear’ as a model for their own work.

Art in the style of David Hockney using digital technology.

Adapting and improving our parachute designs.

Designing parachutes.

Year 5 PE

Mrs Rudman worked her magic with the Year 5 children when she taught them dance: their final performance was fit for the West End! 

Design and Technology

Learning to cut using the bridge method in readiness for preparing the ingredients for seasonal quiche.

Computing and Geography

Learning to use Microsoft Office Excel to plot the levels of precipitation, wind speeds and temperatures in Cockermouth and the surrounding villages.

Exploring friction - which material will make the most effective brake pads?

Celebrating our writing and artwork.

Can I round to estimate and approximate?

Using freeze framing to retell the story of Theseus and The Minotaur.

We used the structure and ideas from the text 'Skellig,' as a model for our own writing. We plan to send our completed pieces to David Almond (author of Skellig) for his feedback.

Biographical Writing - Who is David Almond?

Whole school Worship - the girls were commended for their planning and delivery of the Worship. Well done girls.

Can I send an email and attach a file? 

The Y5 child demonstrated their aptitude for computing this week when they learned how to send an email and attach a file. 


Composition and performance.

PE -Invaders

What a wonderful afternoon to take our PE outside - we are so lucky to have such a fantastic space and grounds to allow us to do this.
