Absence Reporting
In the event of infectious illness children should remain at home until fully fit. As a guideline children should stay off school for 48 hours after the last bout of sickness, and this is mandatory for all cases of vomiting and diarrhea. If you are unsure, please use the NHS Choices Website for details of length of time to stay away from school. You should ring the school office before 9.30am on the first day of illness and report your child's absence to the School Administrator, or report the absence through the ParentMail App, or you can send an email to the school office email address.
In recent years there appears to have been an increase in the incidents of head lice. It is important that parents regularly inspect their children's hair and notify the school. Through the PCA we operate the Bug Busting Scheme.
Medical inspections are carried out by the School Nurse in the child's first year at school. There are also regular inspections of hearing, speech, and vision.
If your child has a medical appointment, we really appreciate a copy of their medical appointment letter for our records, where possible.
If you know in advance that children are going to be absent from school please let us know. Please ask for an absence form if you plan to do this at least 3 weeks prior to absence. Due to new changes to regulations, Headteachers are no longer allowed to authorise holiday requests, therefore your child will be marked down as "O - Unauthorised Absence". It is still required that you report of this absence via the form below as we are allowed to authorise certain absences with exceptional circumstances. Please find the form below:
Individual Health Care Plan
If your child has a diagnosed medical condition, we require you to complete an individual healthcare plan (IHCP) for our records. This is important so our members of staff know of their condition, their symptoms to look out for, any procedures that are in place to assist them with their condition. any medication to regularly be taken, and any emergency action that should be made, etc.
Please find a copy of the IHCP below, once completed, please return to the school office.
Administering Medication
If your child is required to take medication in school (e.g. anti-biotics, pain-killers, etc) we must request that you complete one of our Parental Consent to Administer Medicine Form before we can administer the medicine in school. Please find below: