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Our Church School


 At Eaglesfield CE Primary Academy we have a strong partnership with the local churches of St. Philip’s and St. Michael’s Mosser (The Fell Church), working closely with clergy and members of the church council to strengthen our children’s understanding of the Christian faith and work together to grow our Christian community. 


Children from our school lead key services at the churches.  These have included, Mothering Sunday, Remembrance Sunday and the famous carol service at The Fell Church, preparing our community and sharing worship at Christmas time.


In Year 3 and Year 4, the children visit and lead worship at St. John’s in the Vale, in Year 6 the children visit Carlisle Cathedral to celebrate with other schools their time at Primary school as they prepare for the next step in their journey to secondary school.

Throughout school, each class has a reflection area, to give children time to stop and reflect and refresh, thinking about the key messages from the Bible.  Our outside areas, also have quiet reflection areas to provide the opportunity for peace and quiet in the busy of our everyday life, encouraging spiritual reflection about the “bigger” questions in life.


Children actively lead worship throughout school.  This includes weekly class worship and half-termly whole school worship.  Worships follow our chosen Christian Value each half-term.  The value is displayed to welcome visitors in our foyer, newsletter and each classroom. This reinforces a clear understanding of each Christian value and how we can work together as a Christian community to encourage each other to “be the best we can be…because God is with us in all that we do”  Genesis 21:22  

Our Church

The first church in the parish of Mosser was St.Michael's on Mosser Fell. The date of the first building on this site is unclear. It has been rebuilt twice in 1773 and 1925. Because there is no heating up there and only bottled gas for lighting, services are held once a month from Easter until Harvest. Weather permitting, a candlelight carol service is held at Christmas.


In 1891 a new parish church was built in the middle of the parish. It is dedicated to St.Philips and St.James the Less. Its second name is the John Dalton Memorial Church, in recognition of the fact that this eminent scientist was born in the village and was involved in early education here. It is a plain Victorian building but inside there are some beautiful carvings done by Deaconess Sewell, a local woman.


The church and school have been linked over many years with members of the congregation serving as governors to the school. Lay readers and a members of the congregation lead collective worship in school every half term in a special worship called 'Paddlers service'.



A Prayer in the Forest

Year 2 said a special prayer at Whinlatter to appreciate God's creation of the amazing landscapes and wildlife that we have here in Cumbria. It was a lovely and calming experience.

RE Curriculum Day

We have really enjoyed our RE Curriculum   day. The classes were all mixed from Reception to Year 6 to take part in all the brilliant activities. Children had the opportunity to make diva lamps, sing gospel songs, dance in the style of Bollywood and design a comic strip of Bible stories. This supported the children to learn and understand the different faiths.


Elizabeth Chalker, Year 3, said "We want to make RE fun and practical and this has been amazing."

Will Searson, Reception, said "I loved this day, I have had a fun time doing my work, I hope we can do it again."

Issie Smith, Year 6, said "I understand the Bible stories much better now. I have loved working with other children from other classes."


Gospel Medley

The children learned a medley comprising the well-known spiritual songs Swing low, sweet chariot, When the saints go marchin' in and I'm gonna sing.

The Children Singing

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Comic Strips

The children also created their own comic book strips to retell Bible stories to deepen their understanding and these will be made into a book.

Hindu Dancing

As part of our RE day celebrations we learnt about the Hindu culture and how they celebrate and worship God through dance.  We learnt four different techniques and then choreographed our own dances! 


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Learning about the Liturgical Colours.


The children enjoyed listening to Mrs. Shaw talk about the liturgical calendar and what each colour in the calendar represents. 


Reflection Areas



Experience Pentecost at St. Philip's Church


This morning the children were given the opportunity to attend the Experience Pentecost Workshop held at St.Philip’s Church and develop their understanding of Pentecost.

We would like to thank Mrs. Shaw for organising such a wonderful morning - the children really enjoyed working with the Reverend Sudharshan and his team. 



The Year 5 children visited the convent at Boarbank to learn about the lives of the sisters who live there and to explore the question: How do Christians show their commitment to God?
