The online world is an important part of all of our lives, learning to use and explore this world safely is a vital skill for our children and something that has to be managed in school and at home.
In school, the children are taught online safety weekly - this may be a whole session or a 'Safe in Seven' briefing or activity where the children have the opportunity to explore online scenarios and learn about hidden dangers when using the internet. All children in school are taught about SMART rules and reminded to follow these whenever accessing the internet, either in school or at home (click on the image above to find out more about SMART rules).
To find out more about the online safety topics that are currently being taught in school, please access the curriculum area of the website and scroll down to find the Online Safety Curriculum Overview.
On this page we will share with you resources that will help you keep your child safe online and which reflect the lessons and values we teach in school.
If you are concerned about any aspect of your child's online safety, please do not hesitate to raise your concerns or report any safeguarding incidents to member of staff or by sending an email to: