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Wellbeing Resources

Please feel free to use any of the resources shared on this page! We hope to promote positive mental wellbeing  by sharing materials that we believe will be useful for our families. If you have any handy tips and tricks, please send them into our office! 

Well-Being Action Plan

The Decider Skills


Throughout school in the Summer '23 term, we decided to take part in educating our pupils, staff and parents The Decider Skills, winning strategies for mental health. 


These are skills developed in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) that are useful, memorable and easy to use in day to day life at home, school and the workplace. The Decider Skills endeavours to promote resilience and resourcefulness in managing our own mental health. The Decider Skills works on promoting emotional intelligence, positive attitudes and habits which in turn improves overall wellness. 


To learn more about The Decider Skills, please visit their page:

Resilience Workshop Notes

Wellness Day

Every academic year in school we host a wellness day with our pupils and staff, celebrating "Children's Mental Health Week".


This includes a carousel of activities such as Mindful Yoga, Gymnastics, Signing, Mindful Art, Outdoor Learning, and Peer-On-Peer Massage. Each year we focus on a different theme, 2023's theme was "Let's Connect".


These days are a great success and all the children have the opportunity t learn new skills and mindfulness strategies to enhance their calm and wellbeing. 




Kooth is an organisation that provides support for the mental health of young people. They often offer webinars for professionals, schools and parents/carers. They also have lots of useful resources available. Please see below 
