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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

2023 - 2024

Year 4 did themselves proud on the residential to Low Gillerthwaite

Year 4 really enjoyed their water workshop run by the Lake District National Park Authority.

Number Day Activities

P.E. Fantastic Gymnastic Bridges!

Senhouse Roman Museum Visit 2nd February

Wednesday 29th November: English- Shackleton’s Journey. Year 4 acted out the scene where some of Shackleton’s crew left the others to try to find help.

Science- States of Matter. Year 4 are thoroughly enjoying conducting various investigations for their states of matter topic, including observing evaporation of puddles and measuring temperatures.

Vindolanda and Roman Army Museum Visit 17th October

Science: Finding living things and their habitats on the school field

27th September: Art Through Storytelling - making scenes to create art from

English - Leon and the Place Between- Circus Show (September 2023)

PE - Cricket session with Cricket Chris (June 2023)

Class Worship - Trust (May 2023)

Four of our class members lead our class worship. This was based on our Christian value - Trust. They helped us to reflect on what trust is, who we might trust and they even demonstrated a trust fall. 

PE - Athletics (May 2023)

Design Technology - Slingshot Cars (May 2023)

Science - Investigating Sound (March 2023)

Competition Winners with SPOT the robotic dog...

Before Christmas, Year 4 entered a competition to name the Sellafield new SPOT the robotic dog before it went on it’s first mission. Year 4 came up with the name NERD (Nuclear Environment Robotic Detector) and it was chosen as the winner!


NERD is already hard at work, so the team from Sellafield brought in another SPOT this afternoon. They told us all about what NERD is doing and how robots are being used. Year 4 were also shown how to control SPOT and the things it can do!


Thank you to both Sellafield Ltd and Primary Business Partnership for allowing us this fantastic opportunity!

Artwork inspired by Mike Barrett

World Book Day 2023

Before Christmas Year 4 entered a competition to name Sellafield’s new SPOT the robotic dog before it went on it’s first mission. We came up with the name NERD (Nuclear Environment Robotic Detector) and it was chosen as the winner!


NERD is already hard at work, so the team from Sellafield brought in another SPOT. They told us all about what NERD is doing and how robots are used. We were also shown how to control SPOT and the things it can do. 

Thank you to Sellafield and the Primary Business Partnership for allowing us this fantastic opportunity! 

Wellbeing Day (February 2023)

Design Technology - Creating our pavilions (February 2023)

Pebble Jar Treat! (February 2023)

Science - Exploring Series Circuits (February 2023)

Design Technology - Structures (January 2023)

Science - Evaporation and Condensation (January 2023)

Art - Self Portrait in the style of Mike Barrett (January 2023)

PE - Cross Country VS Fairfield (January 2023)

PE - Gymnastics with Mrs Hampton (January 2023)

PE - KS2 Dance Showcase (December 2022)

Christmas Party (December 2022)

PE - Orienteering (December 2022)

Christmas Decorations (December 2022)

Science - Melting and Solidifying (November 2022)

Computing - Weather Forecasts (November 2022)

Science - Exploring States of Matter - Gases (November 2022)

Geography - Investigating weathering and erosion (November 2022)

PE - Communication and Tactics (November 2022)

Science - Investigating solids and liquids (November 2022)

TT Rockstar Day (October 2022)

As an introduction to our new topic in RE (What is it like for Christians to follow God?), we were set to embark on a pilgrimage walk from the Quaker Meeting House, Pardshaw through to Fell Church, Mosser. However, because of the poor weather conditions we remained at the Quaker Meeting House for the full day. We all learnt a lot about the Quaker strand of Christianity as well as our local history. We managed to get outside for a little while, and so we walked up a crag to where the Quaker people would have met hundreds of years ago. 

Design Technology - Baking our biscuits (October 2022)

We have had great fun during our DT topic - Adapting a recipe. We have practiced, created, adapted, budgeted and even branded our biscuits. However, the most important part is definitely the testing!

RE - Freeze Frames (October 2022)

Class Worship - Friendship (October 2022)

As part of our Animals, including humans topic in Science, we have been gathering information about our digestive system. We got our hand dirty by creating a model of our digestive system, using everyday equipment to represent the different parts. We even used old tights to represent our intestines! We all had a lot of fun 😁

Maths - Creating Roman Numerals (October 2022)

Computing - Building Weather Stations - September 2022

Our focus in Computing this half term is Data Handling: Investigating Weather. In this lesson, we created our own Weather Stations to gather and record sensor data. We discussed how they would work and the units of measurements we would use. 

Harvest Worship - September 2022

Design Technology - Biscuit Testing - September 2022

We had a very yummy first lesson in our DT topic of Adapting a Recipe. We thought about the different packaging and who this is the target audience. The best part was eating the biscuits and thinking about the smell, taste and texture. 

Class Worship - September 2022

We have started our Maths in Year 4 with Place Value. We have been using concrete manipulatives like Base 10 and Place Value Counters to help us understand the value of different digits in numbers up to 10,000. We have also been having lots of fun playing different place value games.

Ennerdale Residential

We had an amazing time at Ennerdale and were lucky enough to have gorgeous weather. We walked the whole 7.5 miles around Ennerdale Water (including hiking up Angler’s Crag!) accompanied by members of the Mountain Rescue and got to see some spectacular views. We applied our learning about river features in Geography to the real world by photographing and sketching features of the River Liza and got to have a go at canoeing with Whitehaven Harbour Youth Project. We had so much fun and everyone was so well behaved and gave every activity a good go. You should be very proud of yourselves Year 4!
