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School Dinners

Autumn Menu 2024

 Chef Bell heads up the lunchtime team at Paddle School.  She and Ms Riddick provide a midday meal to our hungry pupils which is cooked from scratch in the school's 5 Star kitchen and served in the school hall.  


We have a set menu which changes each half term. This consists of a main meal and then a separate "option" that can be chosen.   We use fresh seasonal produce which, wherever possible, is sourced locally. This development was a major element in the school being awarded “Healthy School Status”.  You can see our current menu below.


Lunch is split into 2 sittings. EYFS and KS1 eat at 12:00-12:30pm and then have their half an hour break from 12:30-1:00pm.

KS2 have their break from 12:00-12:30pm then eat at 12:30-1:00pm. They are welcome to have a healthy snack to keep them going that extra half an hour.


Dinner options are chosen via ParentMail, our school payments website, as we are a 'cash-free school'. Meals are paid for in advance when options are chosen, on a pay-as-you-go system. If a pupil is absent, the meals missed will be credited at the end of the week.

No distinction is made between children paying for school meals and those entitled to a free school meal. No-one but the school administrators are aware of children having free meals.  All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to receive a Universal Infant Free School Meal (UIFSM) as provided by the government. School dinners are £3.30 per day.


Parents are given the opportunity to choose whether their child has a hot main meal, the second option (jacket potato, hot baguette or wrap), or they can provide a packed lunch themselves from home.


We have a team of midday supervisors attending to the needs of children during the lunch hour, assisting in the canteen and leading play in the playground or classroom during wet lunch times.

Allergens - menu charts listing the allergens in all the foods and dishes prepared/served in school
