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Safeguarding our children is the highest priority at Paddle School.


Curriculum Intent:

Our curriculum intent is based on the bible quote “That they shall have life, life in all its fullness” John 10:10;  we aim to ensure that every child has the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding to be safe, develop spiritually, emotionally and physically to live life in all its fullness.


Please use the links below to view our school policies and guidance for parents in relation to safeguarding issues.

You can also contact the Cumbria Safeguarding Children Partnership by visiting



Our Safeguarding Team

We have a range of policies and procedures which support our safeguarding provision in school these can be found on the policies page of this website by following the link below:

These policies include (but are not restricted to) the following: Overarching Safeguarding Statement; Behaviour Policy; Child Protection Policy; Health & Safety Policy; Child Looked after and Previously Looked After Policy; Intimate Care Policy; Missing Child Procedures; and Peer on Peer Abuse Policy.
The school also follows the statutory guidance included in the following Department for Education documentation: Keeping Children Safe in Education; Working Together to Safeguard Children; The Prevent Duty; and What to do if you're worried a child is being abused advice for practitioners.  

Pastoral Care

We are aware that many factors can affect a child's progress and performance at school. As Paddle is a small, closely knit community we have an excellent knowledge of our children's social, physical and emotional development as well as their academic progress.

Problems can usually be dealt with by class teachers; where this is not the case, parents will be contacted so that the matter can be discussed and a solution found.
